Thursday, February 04, 2010

Taking The "O" Out Of Courage

Taking the "O" out of Courage
Using the letter "O" from the word
courage took me a bit of time.
I had to submit to the C=Conquer so
many times in the past few weeks,
that I lost sight of almost everything
else....So, now, I am back...gaining
momentum & picking up where
I left off on my quest for courage
through the study of each letter that
makes up the word
Yes, it is a hyphenated word, and
folks may wonder what in the world
One-Way has to do with courage,
but I feel that it best fit my take for
the letter O. In the dictionary,
One-Way means:
a. moving or allowing movement in one
direction only (such as a one-way street)
b. valid for travel in one direction only
(as in a one-way ticket)
c. not intended for return
(as in an object not intended to return
to the giver/seller/dealer)
I chose "ONE-WAY" instead of words
like overcome, optimism, opportunity,
because for me this year HAS TO BE
a "ONE-WAY" JOURNEY on the road
of learning to have courage.
I can't take the ground I've gained
thus far and "Return To Sender"
because that would give the enemy
of my very soul the victory.
The road to courage is indeed a
One-Way ticket & there is
no turning back at all if I am
to reach my destination called
courage...I must
stay on the One-Way street.
I've made the U-Turn that was
necessary to get me going back in
the right direction. Now that I am on
that "One-Way" Street to courage,
I cannot allow obstacles to stand
in my way...I must overcome them
one at a time. I must embrace
this new opportunity to become
more open with not
become obscure & obsolete,
trying to hide myself when the
physical pain or heartbreak is just
too much to bear. Why???
Because in this world, just a small
word of encouragement or one act of
kindness has the ability to change the
outlook for someone going through
a hard time. It may be someone I do
not even know. So by coming out in
the open to share my "One-Way"
journey to find courage, it is my
hope & prayer to reach out &
touch the lives of others...that they,
too, may find hope, healing, and
help in the time of need.

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