Sunday, March 21, 2010

Gales and Ghostly Galleons

Facing the REALITY of what has happened reminded me so much of being tossed on the sea in the midst of gale force winds...and after much thought
I've finally narrowed down my search for a word beginning with the letter "G" that represents the word COURAGE for dissecting that word letter by letter.
I've finally come up with a few - There was no way I could stick with one on this letter. So here are my choices for the G in COURAGE.
I know to some I may sound like I've gone off of my rocker, but since I couldn't decide which of these words meant the most towards gaining courage to me, I want to try and use them all...
First of all I need to GO, literally GO far away from the place in my heart and mind that has me bound, I need to get the Gumption to Grab a hold of that tiniest GLIMMER of GOODNESS and hang on to it tightly as I can while I run the GAUNTLET of my past failures, insecurities, tragedies, and losses to actually GRASP for that GLIMMER of the GOLDEN light of hope, that will GUIDE me towards that GLORIOUS GARDEN of beauty and GENEROSITY, where I can use a (hopefully) Green Thumb, with which I can GENTLY cherish each new plant which to me symbolizes the GOOD things that can GROW within me. The GENEROUS things, the GOODNESS of GOD in my life which so desperately needs a chance to GROW, choking out the desperate tragedies that have happened during my life thus far.
While lately it seems as if I'm drifting wildly with every GALE force that strikes my GALLEON on the High Seas of life, right now...I must simply GIVE over the command to the Master, while I rest in peaceful repose, GAINING strength for my journey on towards courage and GAZE towards the horizon of hope - no our family will never be the same again...we will never be "normal" again because of what has happened to our Sweet William...but it is my hope this year, to seek the courage to find a "new normal" and be able to face the future with open arms, instead of with fear and trembling... A new future of learning to love life, laugh and enjoy living again, while I re-gain the unshakeable faith in 
The Master Sailor.
Writing only © 2010 Susan Reynolds
Please see photo credits below:
Photo Credits to Peter Marks
(p.s. Thanks for letting me use your wonderful ship photo UP!)
This photo of the ship is not taken by me and I know it is not showing a Galleon in Gale force winds, but by adding the darkness surrounding the ship, with the Glimmer of brightness behinds it, I feel like it GIVES me hope that I can GRASP onto the proverbial ropes so to speak and hold on for dear life.
The bold red color of the sails also reminded me of the tragedy in my life, but also of the blood of Jesus Christ that washes away all of my reminds me of a Savior that is willing to offer me not only the gift of salvation, but also the gift of saving me from my self.
I've added a few filters to the original beautiful ship photo that was taken by a close friend from my photo club, Peter Marks, a native of Great Britain now living across the pond in the good old U.S.A. All credits for the photo go to him. Thank you so much for allowing me to use your photo U.P. As I stated, I just added the darkness of a night storm type feeling with that GLIMMER of Bright Hope in the distance.
That GLIMMER of GOODNESS and Hope is my GOAL
towards learning to live a life filled with COURAGE.
Here is Peter Marks original photo of the ship with the beautiful red sails before I added the other effects...

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